Each partner organisation invited to local events in order to disseminate the European cooperation and its results. According to the Corona regulations of the respective country, this was only possible to a limited extent for some until May/June 2022.
Kõigi kuue partneri kolleegid töötasid koos kohalike õppijatega ühise kollaaži kallal ja seega mitte ainult ei tutvustanud projekti, vaid kaasasid otseselt kohalikke osalejaid. Iiri partnerorganisatsioon KWTB korraldas oma organisatsiooni õppijatega ka loo kirjutamise töötoa (vabas stiilis jutukett) ja avaliku ruumi. Lisaks katsetasid nad vajadusteks ja strateegiateks mõeldud harjutust (vt "Instead of a guideline“).
Oma veebis toimuval üritusel "MAKING A STORY CHAIN" kirjutasid nad:
„Kohtusime hiljuti veebis, et kirjutada oma osa projekti "Story Chain" raames projekti "Women's Perspectives Erasmus" raames. Kasutasime traditsioonilist Haiku struktuuri, et võtta oma vaade füüsilisele maailmale ning näha ja väljendada midagi sügavamat, mida Stefanie Larkin vahendas järgmiselt:
- Kõigepealt tegime maandamisharjutuse, puhkepunkti, et olla hetkes.
- Tegime sõnade assotsieerimise harjutust, kus alustasime eelmise rühma kahest viimasest reast ja jätkasime 3 minutit ilma peatumata sõnade loetelu vaba kirjutamist.
- Võttes oma sõnade ahela, koostasime Haiku-taoliselt struktureeritud luuletuse. Luuletuse koostamisel lähtusime oma ahela esimesest ja viimasest sõnast ning kasutasime teisi sõnaahelas tekkinud sõnu, et täiendada Haiku. Piirasime kasutatud sõnade arvu, et sõnad ei oleks üle jõu käinud.
- Lõpuks kasutasime Jamboardi, et järjestada luuletused üheks ühiseks tükiks.
- Haiku on jaapani luuletus, mis sisaldab 17 silpi kolme rea 5-7-5 silbi mustris.
- Matsuo Basho on kuulus jaapani luuletaja. Tema kirjutis "Kitsas tee sügavale põhja" on kõige tuntum kogumik Jaapanis.“
(Facebooki postitus KWTB Iirimaa, 15.06.2021)
The Iiri kolleegid nimetasid oma kollaaži "feminaažiks": "Naasi naiste perspektiivide seminar oli väga edukas. Naisrühm tuli kokku, et uurida ja jagada oma kogemusi tänapäeva naiseks olemise kohta. Nad lõid midagi, mida nimetatakse "feminage'iks", mis raamib kollaaži kui feministliku vastupanuvõitluse kunstipraktikat.” (FB-Post, 10.08.2021)
The Polish colleagues from the organisation “To The Future” invited participants (volunteers, visitors) to an evening on 04.12.2021 to talk about “public spaces”. They invited interested women from the city of Wroclaw and refugees from Ukraine to another event on 08.08.2022. See:
During this event, our trainers carried out integration games, and group activities and we talked about values and attitudes such as courage, wisdom, creativity, and also responsibility.
The aim of the meeting was to integrate families, as most of our participants were mothers with children. To show ways to combat loneliness, and to show new perspectives for personal and social development that can be used, for example through participation in the Erasmus plus adult education program.
This community meeting was part of an international Erasmus plus project in which To The Future foundation is involved together with partners from Estonia, Germany, Ireland, France, and Warsaw.
This meeting was to introduce the methods and tools for educators to work with local communities, which we use and learn about during our project.
So far, meetings have been held for educators and participants in our activities in Berlin and Tallinn, and for educators themselves in Warsaw and Dublin.
For us educators, it is very important to have support from more experienced partners concerning working with migrants in the context of the war in Ukraine.
(Facebook-Post, 08.08.2022)
The French project partners worked on the collage in March 2021 with participants from the organisation’s environment (FB, 06.03.2021). In November 2022, they presented their project results to a wider public:
Atelier sur “Les femmes dans l’espace public” réalisée dans le contexte du projet “Power Peace Poetry. Women’s perspectives on society’s divisions”, le 30 novembre dernier. L’objectif du projet est de partager à travers des activités locales et internationales des outils et des méthodes pédagogiques pour donner voix aux femmes et à leurs histoires et perspectives. (FB-Post from 07/12/22)
The Polish organisation BORIS organised a second event in November 2022 to inform about the project results. This time, the colleagues went to those they want to reach: to the KGW organisation in Goszczyn.
In June 2021, the Berlin organisation invited men and women to express their feelings, thoughts, dreams, hopes, worries and questions visually and experimentally through collage techniques with a view to the current (Corona) situation in Europe and the Middle East. Among the participants were also migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. For them, this creative approach was somewhat unusual. But they participated. During the DIALOG café on 1 November 2022, the project results were presented. The participants’ attention quickly turned to public spaces and how differently they can be perceived by women or men.